Ud Karya Indowood: September 2011

Jumat, 23 September 2011


Home Office Furniture Shop's.

You are planning to open an office at home? Or you want to change the time display in the office with a new one? Make sure the furniture tops the list of office renovations. Usually, the businessmen beginners tend to buy furniture that is economical but still can be used well (and if so durable).

If you work alone alias solo career, workplace design is sure to taste the users. In other words, this work room you really stylish. For example, your garage can work magic into space by putting some vintage-style chairs and tables. Voila, you now have new furniture for work space!

However, what if you work with some people that your employees? Of course, furniture to be used should be tailored to their number and type of work. First leave aside your personal desires, but focus your attention first to choose a table and chairs for working standards.

The point here you should prefer professional interiors depicting the work. Where, this is where companies work together, share information, thoughts and finish the job together.

Think also about the installation of technological devices, shelves, cabinets, and furniture making. When arranging furniture, including knick-knacks, think about laying it horizontally or vertically to save space.

Here are five tips to help you buy furniture for the office.

1. Keep furniture that you used to help the effectiveness of work

To facilitate the installation of electronic devices, communications equipment and preparation of furniture, you should prefer a sense of belonging and cooperation among employees. For that, think to answer questions such as:

- What type of furniture is most needed? Conference table, fax machines, telephones, computers, lights, air conditioners, etc..
- Should the desk cubicles for privacy of each employee?

2. Make a list of a minimum of furniture needed to avoid the purchase of goods not needed

Usually, the problems facing home-based business is a limited space. In the meantime, we sometimes go crazy when buying furniture, especially if you get a discount when buying bulk.

Think also to increase the number of rooms, such as making storey house so there is lots of space. Or it could also maximize the use of shelves and cabinets, so no eating places.

3. (Again) buying furniture according to needs and functions, not because of the shape / model. For example if you buy a desk cubicles, while the available space is quite limited and only a few chairs and a table filled with a certain size. Certainly no match, no?

4. Think to rent furniture, especially if the limited financial

Renting furniture, why not? Here, you can save on the budget and replace with another table and chairs (when they are bored or tailored to the type of work). However, if you sufficient finance to buy furniture, better to buy in cash. This is to keep the company's finances remain stable as undisturbed furniture credit payments.

5. Think of the convenience and safety of employees

Polar is also a sense of security and comfort while working. So do not let you either select a table and chairs, causing aches, backaches, headaches, eye fatigue, eye pain and other discomforts. Fatigue, lack of concentration and irritation is also an effect of the use of furniture that is not appropriate for the employee.

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Minggu, 18 September 2011

Merawat Furniture Kayu

Perkembangan dunia property tak dapat menyingkirkan kayu dalam perannya, kita bisa mendapatkan suasana hangat dan klasik dengan menggunakan kayu, untuk itu perlu perawatan khusus agar barang-barang yang terbuat dari kayu bisa awet dan terjaga.
Sebagai pecinta furniture kayu anda harus memiliki cara untuk menjaga dan merawat koleksi anda agar tidak mudah rusak.
Salah satu cara untuk menjaga keindahan furniture kayu adalah dengan cara di polish. Polish adalah cairan yang berguna
untuk menggosok furniture dan membuat nya menjadi mengkilat. Furniture lama juga dapat terlihat baru lagi dengan cara
di mem-polish. Sebelum mem-polish furniture kayu, anda harus membersihkannya dari kotoran dan debu terlebih  dahulu.
Hal ini dilakukan untuk mencapai hasil akhir yang maksimal.

Cara membersihkannya:
·         setiap minggu bersihkan kayu dengan kain yang yang dibasahi.  Hal ini untuk mencegah timbulnya goresan pada
·         bersihkan dan polish setiap bulan
·         selalu gunakan pelindung/alas dari minuman/makanan panas atau dingin
·         Hindari dari panas matahari yang dapat merusak warna
·         Jangan menggeser apapun di atas furniture kayu karena akan menimbulkan goresan.

Merawat furniture bekas sejatinya tak jauh berbeda dengan merawat furnitur baru. Lagipula sudah terbukti, kalau furniture antik memiliki masa hidup yang panjang lantaran umumnya terbuat dari kayu jati yang terbukti tahan lama. Meski begitu, perawatan furniture antik tidak bisa sembarangan. Langkah pertama dalam perawatan furniture, pemilik mesti paham dulu bahan dasar perabotan antik itu.

Lalu pilihlah bahan pembersih sesuai bahan dasar furniture tersebut. Tak perlu bingung memilih. Saat ini di pasaran ada banyak produk pembersih furniture dengan peruntukan yang jelas.

Jika terbuat dari kayu, pembersihnya juga khusus untuk furniture kayu maupun lantai kayu Selain untuk membersihkan furniture dari kotoran, pembersih furniture kayu umumnya juga berfungsi melindungi cat atau pelitur. Bila ingin membeli pembersih kayu, pilih produk perawatan yang aman.

Bila salah beli, bisa-bisa cat atau pelitur furniture antik malah luntur. Hal ini umumnya terjadi pada pembersih furniture yang harganya murah. Bukannya membersihkan atau merawat, pembersih itu justru merusak furniture. Sebab zat kimia yang terkandung dalam produk itu menggunakan campuran, yang bisa melunturkan cat atau pelitur.

Perawatan furniture antik sehari - hari juga mudah, karena hanya perlu mengelap dengan menggunakan kain kering. Fungsinya, untuk membersihkan debu yang menempel di furniture.

Bila furniture antik tersebut memiliki banyak ukuran, pemilik harus lebih cermat membersihkan di bagian sela - sela ukiran. Jangan sampai terlewat, kalau masih kotor basahi lap dengan sedikit air, lalu basuh seluruh permukaan. Setelah itu, tetap gunakan lap kering pada sentuhan terakhir.

Jika perabotan antik terlanjur rusak akibat gerogotan rayap atau patah, pilihlah bahan dasar yang sesuai lalu ganti bagian furniture yang rusak itu. Tak lupa, furniture itu harus segera dipelitur ulang agar tampak seperti furniture baru lagi.

Di samping itu, jangan sampai Furniture Antik terkena sengatan matahari langsung saat menunggu pelitur kering. Pelitur basah yang menempel pada perabot akan membuat inti kayu melepuh, bila tersengat langsung sinar matahari.